martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Habits of mind also at home

Although the history of the Habits of Mind is largely one based in schools, more and more often parents are discovering the value of the Habits of Mind and introducing them in the home. 
Families are finding that the Habits of Mind help clarify their goals and expectations for their children. They help to make the qualities parents are trying to engender in their children clear.
The language of the Habits of Mind allows parents, grandparents, extended family, children and often the school as well to share a common vocabulary about what's important. Keeping all the significant adults in a childs life on the same page, sharing the same language about thinking, has proven to be enourmously powerful in many homes. 
Understanding that nuturing and developing a childs Habits of Mind is a significant parenting goal often helps clarrify interactions with chidren. It focus attention on the way a child is engaging in the Habits of Mind and how as parents we can help them improvie their Habits of Mind. 

The 16 Habits of mind
  1. Persisting
  2. Communicating with clarity and precision
  3. Managing impulsivity
  4. Gathering data through all senses
  5. Listening with understanding and empathy
  6. Creating, imagining, innovating
  7. Thinking flexibly
  8. Responding with wonderment and awe
  9. Metacognition
  10. Taking responsible risks
  11. Striving for accuracy and precision
  12. Finding humor
  13. Questioning and problem posing
  14. Thinking interdependently
  15. Applying past knowledge to new situations
  16. Remaining open to continuous learning
These are the things we do when we are dealing with something that is of big consequence or a stressor.
Here is a video that will guide you.

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