jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Fifth graders at the Anglo American School working on a research using the Big Six steps

There is a lot of information regarding problem-solving models available for teaching and reinforcing research, problem-solving, and writing processes. The Big Six information skills model (Big6) is one that is primarily aimed to be used at kindergarten through twelfth-grade  students. This model is intended to foster the acquisition of research, problem-solving, and metacognitive skills through the cooperation of both school library media specialists and classroom teachers. While a strong anecdotal record exists supporting the use of Big6, empirical research support is less evident in library and education literature.  Fifth-grade students are asked to research and write about events surrounding Native-American Indians.
Big 6 Research Method


1.  Task definition
What is my topic question or problem?
What needs to be done and what information do I need?
What do I already know?
What do I need to know?
What are keywords, concepts and other related topics I should use?

2. Information Seeking Strategies
What resources can I use?
Where can I find the information I need?
What print resources can I use?
What electronic sources can I use?

3.  Location and Access
Locate the resources and information in them
Have I found the best sources?
Have I used the parts of the book effectively to find information?
What point of view is represented in the source?
Have I used special reference sources?
What are relevant electronic sources I can use?
Do I use both secondary and primary sources?

4. Use of Information
Read and use the information and extract relevant facts.
Take notes on important information.
Do I understand the information?
Within my resources what is the main topic, subtopics, and important details.
Have I recorded all the bibliographic information I need to cite my sources?
What information do I still need to find?

5. Synthesis
Put it all together.
Organize information from multiple sources.
How am I going to organize my information?
What information should I include?
How will I present the information?
Have I cited all the sources I used?

6. Evaluation
Review and analyze the research process?
What have I learned about my topic?
Which resources were the most helpful?
Did I answer my research question?
What skills did I learn?

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